File Import Registration - Coaches, Supporters, Judges
File Import Registration - Coaches, Supporters and Judges
This file import registration method is used to register multiple participants (non-athletes) for multiple memberships including coaches, judges and supporters during one checkout. This is suggested for club administrators that are registering multiple individuals that have been exported from another program/software.
All individuals involved in club-related roles, must be registered. It is the the club's responsibility to ensure that all screening requirements have been met. Please review the GNS Screening policy before registering.
Import template for coaches, supporters and judges - please download this first
TIPS ON FILLING IN THE TEMPLATE (click on the link above for the template). The following information about your participants is mandatory. This is include coaches, athletes and supporters. You'll find the full list of SKUs (the category of the specific membership you are purchasing) in the Help section under File Import SKUs.
- Participant First Name* (please make sure you don't reverse the names or your will end up with duplicate members)
- Participant Last Name*
- Participant Gender *Note: formatted as M , F or NB
- Participant Date of Birth* Note: formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Eg May 2, 2010 is 2010-05-02.
- Participant Value [Address]*
- Participant Value [City]*
- Participant Value [Province]* Note: 2-character abbreviation. Nova Scotia is NS.
- Participant Value [Postal Code]*
- Participant Value [Email}*
- Participant Value [Phone Number]*
- Participant Value [NCCP Number]
- Participant Value [Date of Criminal Record Check]
- Participant Value [Date of NS Child Abuse Registry Check]
- Participant Value [Respect in Sport Certificate #]
- SKU* Note: This is the unique code assigned to each Gymnastics Nova Scotia membership and event. If you do not enter at least one SKU your participant will not have a valid GNS membership.
You'll only pay one membership for any one participant, regardless of how many categories (SKU's) you register for them. For example, if you have a coach who coaches in two disciplines, as well as judges. You would register for all their categories, if they were a TT Provincial coach and a WAG National coach, and a WAG Provincial judge their registration would look like this..
Suzy Stretch F 1993-01-01 123 Main St. Halifax NS B3A 123 902 555 1212 23-24:TT:PC, 23-24:WAG:NC, 23-24:WAG:PJ
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